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Special Analyses
NCHEMS Information Center for Higher Education Policymaking and Analysis
How is Your State Doing?
Educational Attainment
Education Levels of the Population
Educational Attainment by Degree-Level and Age-Group (American Community Survey) *
College Credentials Awarded
Annual Change in College Credentials Awarded
College Access
Preparation for College
Public High School Graduation Rates
College Participation Rates
College-Going Rates of High School Graduates - Directly from High School
18 to 24 Year Olds Enrolled in College
Import/Export Ratio of College-Going Students
Adult Learners
25 to 49 Year Olds Enrolled in College
College Affordability
Net Cost of Attendance
Percent of Family Income Needed to Pay for College - by Type of Institution
Persistence and Completion
First-Year Retention
Retention Rates - First-Time College Freshmen Returning Their Second Year
Graduation Rates
Student Pipeline
Student Pipeline - Transition and Completion Rates from 9th Grade to College
Efficiency and Effectiveness
Certificate and Degree Production
Credentials and Degrees Awarded per 100 FTE
Higher Education Finance
Revenues and Support
Diagram - Understanding Higher Education Finance
State and Local Support Per Full-Time Student
Family Share of Public Higher Education Operating Revenues
Net Tuition and Fees per Full-Time Student
State and Local Support for Higher Education Per $1,000 of Personal Income
State and Local Support for Higher Education Per Capita
State Higher Education Priority
Total Educational Revenues Per Full-Time Student
State Tax Capacity
State Tax Capacity
State Tax Effort - Effective Tax Rate
Workforce Conditions
Wages and Earnings
Diagram - Employment and the Workforce
Increase in Earnings for Associate Degrees
Increase in Earnings for Bachelor's Degrees
Labor Demand
Net Migration by State, Age-Group, and Degree-Level
Migration Rates by State, Age-Group, and Degree-Level
Percent of the Civilian Population Participating in the Labor Force *
Unemployment Rates *
Economic Conditions
Per Capita Personal Income *
Median Family Income *
Median Household Income *
Children in Poverty *
Families in Poverty *
State Profile Reports
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Labor Demand:
Percent of the Civilian Population Participating in the Labor Force
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